Socials & Other Information
Dear Oxford researchers,
We hope you are doing well! The 2-week Thriving at Oxford wellbeing programme series starts today, with contributions by OxRSS, the Researcher Hub, and many other parts of the University. And check out the OxRSS-OUNC International Picnic happening this weekend, or perhaps you'd like to express your interest in the possibility of a Park Run group.
There is also an opportunity to apply to Kellogg College for Research Membership of the Common Room – a great way to get involved in college life!

Spread the word about OxRSS!
Please encourage your researcher colleagues to sign up to the OxRSS mailing list! They can click HERE and then on the sign-up link on the right, under DON'T MISS OUT!
Come be a host!
Hosting or co-hosting OxRSS events is fun, and a great way to connect with other researchers from across the University. We are especially looking for people to help host/co-host pub socials (you get to pick the pub!), Oxford walks and visits to colleges. If you'd like to volunteer or learn more, please contact Jen or write to us at
Research staff of the Post-Doc Association (PDA) of the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology have written an open letter where they propose a number of resolutions to submit to Congregation regarding working conditions at the University. The PDA asked OxRSS to circulate the letter, which we link HERE as it will be of interest to research staff.

International Picnic – Saturday, 17 June, 12.30-3.30pm, at Maison Française d’Oxford
We warmly invite you to attend an International Picnic, an event co-hosted by OxRSS and OUNC (Oxford University Newcomers’ Club), with kind support from the Researcher Hub. At this family-friendly outing, you are welcome to bring partners, children, other family and friends (but no pets please). The idea is to bring food and drink of different cultures from your connections and collaborations, so please bring a dish and/or beverages to share. Some food, soft drinks, plates, cups and cutlery will be provided. If you have a picnic set or picnic blankets/rugs, please bring them if you can. If you wish to attend, please fill in your details on this FORM; and for any questions please contact Jen. If a high chance of rain is forecast, we will host the event inside the spacious main building. We are looking forward to seeing you and hope you enjoy the picnic!
Location: Maison Française d’Oxford, 2-10 Norham Road, OX2 6SE (MAP)
Thriving at Oxford: Wellbeing Events – 12-23 June
Thriving at Oxford is a two-week wellbeing event series for University and College staff, offering a mix of online, in-person and hybrid events focusing on the six domains of wellbeing (health, work, values & principles, social growth, personal growth, and financial wellbeing). Activities include presentations, yoga and fitness, museum and walking tours, parenting and carer support – and much more! You can view the full Thriving at Oxford programme and book events HERE.
This pan-University initiative has been organised by the Wellbeing Programme Team.
During that fortnight, OxRSS is opening the following events to everyone at the University: board games night (13 June; costs £6 and requires booking), LGBTQ+ pub social (14 June), and our weekly pub social (22 June). So invite your friends and colleagues along!
Also, the Researcher Hub is hosting sessoins on breathwork (16 & 19 June), ice cream at the Cricket Pavillion in University Parks (16 June), and wellbeing with Roddy Bray (22 June). And People & Organisational Development (POD) is hosting a careers club session (20 June).
Get in touch! Photography... or Photogra-coffee?
Are you interested in photography? Want to grab a coffee and casually take some pictures with others around Oxford? If so, please contact Liam.
Book Club – Tuesday, 13 June, 6pm at the Black Sheep coffee shop, and Saturday, 24 June, 11am at the Ashmolean Museum café
Come join our book club! We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm in the Black Sheep coffee shop in the High Street, and every other Saturday at 11am in the café at the Ashmolean Museum. If you would like to participate or know more, please email Cat.
Board Games Night – Tuesday, 13 & 27 June and 11 & 25 July, from 8pm
Board Games night on 13 June is part of the Thriving at Oxford wellbeing event series, and all University staff are welcome!
Board games nights are taking place at the Thirsty Meeples board games cafe in Gloucester Green. The cost is £6 per person (plus a drink or snack). If you wish to participate, please register HERE so that we can book a table for the correct number of people. If you wish to register after 5pm the day before the event, or would like more information, please contact Mike or Keri.
LGBTQ+ Pub Social – Wednesday, 14 June, from 7pm
This evening is part of the Thriving at Oxford wellbeing event series, and all University staff are welcome!
OxRSS is hosting an LGBTQ+ pub social at the Jolly Farmers (city centre). Just like the regular pub socials, EVERYBODY is welcome to attend! As usual, meet inside and look out for the OxRSS sign on one of the tables. No need to sign up in advance, but feel free to get in touch with Isabelle beforehand if you want more information.
Pub Socials – Thursdays, from 7pm
We are looking for pub host/co-host volunteers for the ever-popular pub socials. It's FUN and EASY to do and you meet great people! You don't need experience, and new arrivals are welcome to host. Write to Jen or if you'd like to know more!
We look forward to seeing you at our weekly pub socials! Join us for some informal and friendly chats. No purchase of alcoholic drinks is required. Please contact the respective host with any queries. Please contact Jen if you'd be able to host future pub socials.
15 June – Gardeners Arms (Jericho) – Cat
22 June – Chequers (city centre) – Jen
29 June – Host needed!
The pub social on 22 June is part of the Thriving at Oxford wellbeing event series, and all University staff are welcome!
New! Park Run group – Express your interest
We are looking to start a running group to join in together with Park Run in University Parks (5K, Saturdays, 9am). If you’re interested, please send an email to Yinxue.
Ashmolean Visit: Byzantine Objects – Tuesday, 20 June, 2-3.30pm
Come see medieval objects at the Ashmolean Museum which are normally not on display! Elena is taking a group of students to visit ‘behind the scenes’ to see Byzantine objects, and has a few places for researchers of any background who would like to join them. Places are limited! Please contact Elena if you would like to participate.
Interested in playing football?
Come join our weekly football matches! All levels are welcome. Depending on interest, we play 11-a-side in University Parks (for free) or 7-a-side in the Sports Centre of Iffley Rd (approximately £2.50 per person). If you are interested, please subscribe to the following WhatsApp group, and we will start from there to see what day of the week and time would suit most people. Alternatively, you can send an email to Tommaso or Nicholas.
Oxford University Newcomers’ Club Singing Group – Tuesdays, 5.45-7pm during term
Come join the Oxford University Newcomers’ Club singing group! OUNC would like to extend a warm invitation to any OxRSS members who are interested in singing to join in our practice sessions. You do not need any prior singing experience – just an interest in singing! We welcome singers of all voice ranges and abilities to this social singing group, so come by for some enjoyment with music-making. You can find out more by contacting Elizabeth; and you can register interest in this brief FORM. Otherwise, just come by!
Location: Wesley Memorial Methodist Church (New Inn Hall Street, MAP)
Squash Sessions – Saturdays, 10.30am
Join us for informal squash Saturdays! Sessions are for up to 8 people and take place at Iffley Road Sports Centre. The meeting point is outside the sports centre near the bike park. You’re welcome to bring your own racquet or hire one from reception for £1.50. To reserve a place, please email Subhashisa.
Personal & Professional Development Activities
Interdisciplinary Discussion Groups
Interested in meeting other researchers working on related problems or with shared methods but who are perhaps in a different field? Join an informal group where members will meet to discuss these issues, get feedback on their own work, or collaborate on something new. The following groups have been formed and plan to meet once every two weeks (dates, times, and location to be announced). For information on participating in these groups, please email the contacts named below.
Register your interest! Participant Engagement in Qualitative Research
Discussing methods, approaches, and considerations about care for participants and effectiveness in elicitation of beliefs, perceptions, or experiences of sensitive topics. To find out more and register interest, please contact Liam.
Register your interest! Meta-Research, Open Science, and Research Reproducibility
The reproducibility crisis has affected multiple research fields, and scientists are calling for a change in the research culture ( Meta-research was created to identify solutions to the current situation, and Open Science is one of the solutions to improve transparency of research. We will bring together researchers from any academic field to share their experience on meta-research, open science and reproducibility by hosting journal clubs, research-in-progress presentations, and invited talks. If you are interested in this group going ahead, please let us know by contacting Lazaros.
1. Anthropology & Psychology: Comparisons & Divergences – Anthony
The aim is to bring anthropology into critical dialogue with psychology for a more holistic approach to human sciences research.
2. The notion of ‘presence’ in an interdisciplinary approach – Elena
We endeavour to find out how much overlapping exists when various disciplines speak about the notion of ‘presence’. For instance, what does a physicist have in mind? And a historian?
3. Leading Education with Legal Lens (LELL) – Vincent
The aim is to explore the intersection between education and law in relation to educational leadership, school issues and advice to governments and policy makers.
4. Leading Education with Edu-preneurial Leadership (LEEL) – Vincent
The aim is to explore the intersection between education and entrepreneurial leadership in relation to educational leadership, school development and advice to governments and policy makers.
If you are interested in leading a group focused on a different topic, please contact Liam or Jen. We are keen to facilitate links between colleges and researchers from across all disciplines.
College Opportunity! Kellogg College – Research Members of Common Room
Kellogg College is accepting applications from Postdocs and more senior researchers to become part of its community as Research Members of the Common Room (RMCRs). RMCRs act as College Advisers supporting Kellogg students during their studies, for which training is provided. Membership offers benefits including use of college facilities, subsidised college meals, and the joy of participating in a diverse and growing range of college seminars and social events. To see more information and apply, please click HERE. Application deadline: 23 June, 12-noon.
A few places still available! UKRN Leadership in Academia Workshop – 21-22 June, at St Hugh’s College
This in-person workshop introduces researchers at all career stages to fundamental leadership principles and skills in an academic context, through lectures, activities, and group discussion. It is run by researchers and draws on real-life situations. You will join 30 participants from different areas of the University and career stages. Participants are required to complete approx. 4 hours of preparation work prior to attending the workshop (8 short YouTube webinars and a short reflective exercise). To book your place, please click HERE (SSO needed), and click HERE to learn about previous participants’ experiences. Please contact the Researcher Hub with any questions.
Parent & Toddler Group with the Newcomers’ Club – Wednesdays, 19 April - 14 June, 10.45-11.30am, at the University Club
The Oxford University Newcomers’ Club (OUNC) invites OxRSS members and their families to come to the Parent & Toddler group, held weekly during term time at the University Club (MAP). Please share this with your partners even if you are not able to attend! This is a chance for toddlers to play together and for parents to relax and chat. After 11.30, you are welcome to join the OUNC weekly coffee morning (Wednesdays, 10.30-12noon) at the ground level of the University Club. Please register your interest HERE; and if you have any questions please contact Morine.
OUNC Coffee Mornings – Wednesdays, 10.30am-12-noon, at the University Club
Oxford University Newcomers’ Club (OUNC) welcomes all new University staff and/or their partners and family members to come to coffee mornings on Wednesdays at the University Club (MAP; events calendar). Drop in, come on your own if you like – everyone is welcome!
Get involved in Reproducible Research Oxford
Reproducible Research Oxford (RROx) is a grassroots collective of students and staff across the University who encourage research to be ‘reproducible’ in a broad sense: open, transparent, and rigorous. RROx is the local chapter of UK Reproducibility Network. Lately, RROx has appointed 8 new leads and liaisons to run initiatives around networking, training, and other activities. Click HERE to learn more, and/or get involved by joining the mailing list!
CRISPR Workshop – Tuesday, 20 June, 1.30-6.30pm, TS Eliot Lecture Theatre, Merton College
Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences is holding a workshop for early career investigators and DPhil students. For the programme, please click HERE; to register, please click HERE.
Andrew Chamblin Memorial Concert – Thursday, 22 June, 8pm, at Christ Church Cathedral and livestreamed online
The 17th annual Andrew Chamblin Memorial Concert will be given by Thierry Escaich, who will play an hour-long programme of organ works by Bach, Franck, Vierne, Brahms and Widor. The concert is free, and no tickets are required. Everyone is welcome to attend the live concert, or to watch the live-streamed performance HERE.
Public Lectures on Medical Ethics – 27 & 28 June, 6pm, at Harris Manchester College (Chapel)
27 June – Professor Lydia Dugdale (Columbia University, USA) will consider the ethical imperative of cultivating hope among medical professionals. To see more information and register, please click HERE.
28 June – Professor Brian Brock (Aberdeen University) will consider the art of listening as integral to good medicine. To see more information and register, please click HERE.
Medical Researchers Sought for Fieldwork Interviews
Joy Nam, a PhD student on a Collaborative Doctoral Programme with the Bodleian and University of Glasgow, is looking to interview 5 medical researchers (Post-doc/RS4 level to Profs) for her fieldwork. She is investigating researchers' mental models of knowledge in their fields (Medicine, Chemistry, History and Law) toward improving literature discovery systems, by taking into account disciplinary differences in scholars' expectations of how information should be organised. Due to the nature of her study, these 1-hour interviews take place face-to-face in person. Joy is in Oxford now until 2 June, and 28 August – 29 September. She is happy to meet in Headington or the city centre. If you would like to do an interview or learn more, please contact Joy.
Study Participants Sought for Language & Brain Lab
The Language and Brain Lab at the University of Oxford is recruiting participants for language studies using a variety of methods, including eye tracking, computer tasks, and EEG (measurement of brain signals). For each study participants will be paid as compensation for their time and effort. Locations: Online studies (can be completed at home); or in-person studies at the Language and Brain Lab (37 Wellington Square, OX1 2JF). To sign up to receive invitations for current and future studies, please visit HERE. You can find out more about participating in the lab HERE. Please email with any questions.
Job Opportunity - Postdoctoral Research Assistant in AI for Healthcare
Full-time, 1-year post in the CHI lab at the Department of Engineering Science (Headington). This project is about creating novel AI models to identify and discover patient sub-cohorts via the design of deep clustering algorithms based on state-of-the-art algorithms. You will be responsible for literature review, data cleaning and analysis. For more information and to apply, please click HERE. Deadline 21 June.
Please email Jen if you’re interested in volunteering
to help host OxRSS activities described above,
or have ideas for future events and activities.
We’d love to hear from you!
Wishing you all our best,
Jen, Liam and Claudio
Liam Guilfoyle – OxRSS Co-Chair
Claudio Cortes Rodriguez – OxRSS Co-Chair
Jennifer Allen – Events Manager